Welcome to JDC!

Please log in or sign up.


JDCE 32 begins

The JDCE 32 tournament has now begun!

Click HERE for an overview of the rules and the mappool.

Click HERE to see live standings and matchups required.

Click HERE to see map selections and vetoes.

As a participant, we need you to:

  • Carefully read all of the rules listed in the link above.
  • Set up to three vetoes from the mappool listed in the rules page above, by commenting on this post before you play your first match. Once you have completed your first match, your vetoes will be fixed for the rest of the tournament, including if you did not veto any maps.
  • For those starting in UB Round 1, you must play your match by no later than Sunday 4th December, 23:59 GMT+1. Those starting in UB Round 2 (the top seeded players), you will need to duel with one week after your first match becomes available. However, for those who already have duel matchups lined up in UB Round 2, I also encourage you to play your duel this week if possible.
  • Submit your duels by submitting them as JDC duels, including the [JDCE] tag as a suffix in the level name field. Note that is your responsibility to have screenshots as evidence for each of your matches.
  • If you will not have time to play your duel before the deadline, please let me know straight away. Otherwise if I don't hear anything from you, I will presume you have forfeited your match and award the win to the more active player.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Duel away!

PS: You may find the JDC Discord to be a useful place to contact your opponents in order to arrange matches. There is even a dedicated #jdce channel which you can use to get the latest news and ask me questions.

JDC Season 32 is Open for Business!

With the thrilling opening event having now come to a conclusion, I am happy to announce that this season is now open for duel and team game submissions!

Please read the FAQ for more information about JDC, and check out the Scoring Guide if you're looking for detail on how the scoring system works.

Furthermore, there are still a number of places available for JDCE available, so please sign up soon if you're interested in participating!

Finally, I'd like to point out that we've added a field on your user profiles to record your Discord handle. This will be very handy for others to get in touch with you regarding match arrangements, so I invite you all to share your Discord username so that others have a convenient way of getting in contact with you. It also helps JDC staff identify you when it comes to scoring for events.

JDCE Signups Open

Signups for the newest edition of the JDCE Duel tournament are now open! If you intend to take part, please respond to this post by saying "In".

The deadline for signups is Sunday 27th November at 23:59 GMT+1.

If you're unsure what JDCE is, please check out the information page here from last season here.

Please note that the mappool and the rule set are for the last JDCE, and will be subject to change, however this should give you an idea of what to expect. The new mappool will be announced upon commencement of the tournament.

Also, please feel free to get in contact if you have any questions.

JDC Season 32

After a long hiatus, I am happy to announce the return of the Jazz Duelist Challenge for its 32nd season!

Last season we experimented with an events-only format, but now we've made the decision to return to the classic format where you can invite people to play duels and team games in order to compete for the JDC crown. There will also be a number of events taking place in addition, please stay tuned!

The opening event is due to take place on Saturday 26th November at 20:30 GMT+1, after which the season will be officially open for games.

Furthermore, I can also announce that the next instalment of JDC's sister elimination tournament, JDCE, will also be running alongside the new season! The signups along with details regarding the format and the mappool will follow shortly.

Lastly, I'd like to give a big welcome to DanZeal, our newest member of the JDC crew who has very kindly offered to be our events host.

I look forward to seeing you all very soon!

JDC Season 31 closes for business

With the conclusion of the action-packed closing event, JDC Season 31 has now ended. Thank you to everyone who played, and made it such a wonderful season over the past few months! :)

Expect the remaining event scores and the JDC awards to be posted in due time.

P.S. We're very much open to feedback - feel free to let us know what you liked about this season, and what you feel could be done differently next time.

JDCE 2 commences

JDCE 2: Electric Boogaloo has now begun!

Click HERE for an overview of the rules and the mappool.

Click HERE to see live standings and matchups required.

Click HERE to see map selections and vetoes.

As a participant, we need you to:

  • Carefully read all of the rules listed in the link above.
  • Set up to three vetoes from the mappool listed in the rules page above, by commenting on this post before your first match.
  • For those starting in UB Round 1, you must play your match by no later than Friday 7th August, 23:59 GMT+1. Those starting in UB Round 2 (the top 4 seeded players), you will need to duel with one week after your first match becomes available.
  • Submit your duels by sending screenshots to any official/admin or by uploading them to the #jdce room in the JDC Discord, and having both duel participants to validate their authenticity. Note that is your responsibility to have screenshots as evidence for each of your matches.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lahm or myself.

JDCE 2: Electric Boogaloo

Given the success of JDCE this season, we've decided to give you an encore, by running a second JDCE duel tournament!

We do anticipate that this JDCE will likely be shorter than the previous, but will no doubt be just as action-packed and exciting!

If you'd like to sign-up, please reply to this newspost by saying "in" to confirm your participation. The deadline for signups is Sunday 2nd August at 23:59 GMT+1.

Information regarding format, mappool etc will be provided at a later date.

EDIT: We've decided to close sign ups early, as a 12 player tournament would be manageable and there haven't been any new sign ups for 24 hours. However, feel free to comment here if you'd like to be considered as a reserve player, in case someone else drops out of the tournament before playing their Round 1 match.

JDCE 31 concludes!

First and foremost, I would like to thank all of the players and staff that made this tournament into the booming success that it was. This was probably the smoothest JDCE yet, and a special shout-out goes to Lahm for his efforts in organization.

But enough of the sappiness, and onto the glory:

  • 1st Place: Lazzaro <400 points>
  • 2nd Place: Lahm <325 points>
  • 3rd Place: kev <275 points>

Congratulations to Lazzaro and all of the runners-up, and congratulations to everyone who participated; you have all been awarded JDC points accordingly.

Click HERE to see the final standings and the tournament bracket in full detail.

We'll see you next time, but stay tuned for another special announcement - coming soon from Purplejazz.

JDC Event Passwords

PSA: You will now need to check the JDC Discord in order to get passwords for JDC events (in #event-announcements).

JDCE 31 Knockout Phase

The JDCE 31 Knockout Phase has now begun, and we are down to 16 players (from 24).

Notable updates to be aware of:

  • Based on polling, the two least popular maps (Junkyard Blues & Urban Brawl) have been replaced with two others (Gauntlet & Dilapidation).
  • Based on polling (and the addition of new maps), we are allowing every player to reset all three of their vetoes, should they wish to. To update your vetoes, simply cast them privately to myself (and we can try and announce them simultaneously at the time of your first match, if possible), or post them publicly as a comment in this post. You have until Sunday 05th July 23:59 GMT to have cast your vetoes, and completed your first match. Vetoes can only be cast before playing your first match.
  • See the links below for any further updates, and details on who your matchups are against!

Click HERE for an overview of the rules.

Click HERE to see live standings and matchups required.

Click HERE to see details on map picks and vetoes per player.

EDIT: JDCE points will now be added contemporaneously after each match (in an event named JDCE 31).