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Statistics for season 33

Rank 4
Points 846
Match points (+ bonus) -188 (+650)
Event points 384
Duels (Team matches) 20 (0)
Win streak (Team) +2 (+0)
Win/Loss (Team) 7/13 (0/0)
Roasts/Falls (Team) 70/70 (0/0)
Last seen 24 Jul 2024
Playing since 10 Dec 2012

Duel opponent tally

Opponent W/L R F
PurpleJazz 0/8 23 40
mastersven 1/2 8 8
YinYang 2/1 12 6
SpyrotheDragon2022 2/0 10 2
sneed 0/2 7 10
Necrolyte 2/0 10 4

1vs1 matches

Date Level (Mode) Score Δ
24 Jul 2024 Midnight CTF (ctf) Looney 5 — 2 SpyrotheDragon2022 +14
24 Jul 2024 Galactic Warfare (ctf) Looney 5 — 0 SpyrotheDragon2022 +18
24 Jul 2024 Swingin' Jazz (ctf) Looney 3 — 5 PurpleJazz -35
24 Jul 2024 Butrintti (ctf) Looney 4 — 5 PurpleJazz -15
24 Jul 2024 Scrapyard (ctf) Looney 3 — 5 PurpleJazz -10
24 Jul 2024 Wicked Wood (ctf) Looney 2 — 5 PurpleJazz -16
24 Jul 2024 Psithurism (ctf) Looney 4 — 5 PurpleJazz +57
24 Jul 2024 Salem (battle) Looney 1 — 5 PurpleJazz +53
24 Jul 2024 Scarlet Weald (ctf) Looney 4 — 5 PurpleJazz +66
24 Jul 2024 Happy Semiconductor (ctf) Looney 2 — 5 PurpleJazz +57
24 Jul 2024 gauntlet [jdce] loons pick (ctf) Looney 4 — 5 sneed +58
24 Jul 2024 Runhemir [JDCE] (sneed's pick) (battle) sneed 5 — 3 Looney +41
20 Jul 2024 Moonlit Harbot [jdce] (Loon's pick) (battle) Looney 5 — 1 Necrolyte +41
20 Jul 2024 Scrapyard [jdce] (Necrolyte's pick) (ctf) Necrolyte 3 — 5 Looney +36
09 Jul 2024 [JDCE]Astro (ctf) mastersven 5 — 2 Looney -8
09 Jul 2024 [JDCE]BBswing (ctf) mastersven 2 — 1 Looney -15
09 Jul 2024 Tubolation [jdce] (ctf) Looney 5 — 1 mastersven +38
01 Jul 2024 Gauntlet (ctf) YinYang 1 — 5 Looney +39
01 Jul 2024 Tubolation (ctf) YinYang 2 — 5 Looney +43
01 Jul 2024 Salem [JDCE] (battle) Looney 2 — 3 YinYang 0

Event scores

Date Event Score
23 Jun 2024 JDCE #33 150
20 Jul 2024 Summer Scorcher 48
17 Jul 2024 Waking the Dead 42
26 Jun 2024 One Day Tournament #1 Betting 14
28 Jun 2024 This event is....gold! GOLD!! 50
26 Jun 2024 One Day Tournament #1 20
22 Jun 2024 Opening Event 60


Season Award
32 (Fall 2022) Commentator
30 (Summer 2019) Obsessive Duellist
29 (Summer 2018) Commentator
28 (Winter 2017/2018) Bounty Hunter
Big Game Hunter
27 (Summer 2017) Round Master
Loves Everyone
Obsessive Duelist
Most hashtags
26 (Winter 2017) Commentator
25 (Summer 2016) Commentator
24 (Fall 2015) JDC Champion
Rabbit Exterminator
Dedicated Player
Inseparable Partners (with PurpleJazz)
Common Matchup (versus PurpleJazz)
Obsessive Dueler
Loves Everyone
22 (Summer 2013) Duel Hero
Rabbit Exterminator
Enemy Ravager
Dedicated Player
Obsessive Dueler
Loves Everyone
Common Matchup (vs Dark King)