JDCE 2: Electric Boogaloo!
JDCE 2: Electric Boogaloo!
JDCE 33 has now kicked off again!
You can view the brackets and the current standings here.
The mappool and rules can be viewed here.
The vetoes and player map picks can be viewed here.
Please try to arrange your first round matches with your opponent as soon as possible. If you are unable to play your match by the end of next week, please let a member of JDC staff know.
Additionally, could you please confirm what your 3 map vetoes are by commenting on this post, or by posting in the JDC Discord server, in the #JDCE channel.
Good luck to you all! I'm sure you all know the drill by now...
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Vetoes: Epitome, Hall of the Mountain King, Trigerateral v4
vetoes: ezrr, olcsbasin and that trf shit omg
Vetoes: Starlit Basin, One Silver Penny, Trigelateral v4
vetoes : penny spear cavern
Vetoes: Hall of the Mountain King, Psithurism, Shimmering Cavern
Vetoes: Psithurism, One Silver Penny, Peculiar Purple Peak
Vetoes: Epitome, Robust Ruins, Starlit Basin
vetoes: rr hmk trf
Vetoes: Robust Ruins, The World Spear, Tyuka's Realm Forsaken.
Vetoes: secav, xlmhmk, olctrf.
Ahmed's vetoes: Epitome, Ezspear, Xlmthurism