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Statistics for season 33

Rank 13
Points 1134
Match points (+ bonus) 54 (+700)
Event points 380
Duels (Team matches) 15 (0)
Win streak (Team) -2 (+0)
Win/Loss (Team) 9/6 (0/0)
Roasts/Falls (Team) 52/55 (0/0)
Last seen 27 Jul 2024
Playing since 26 Jun 2024

Duel opponent tally

Opponent W/L R F
Blackrose 2/1 7 8
Lahm 0/2 4 10
Looney 2/0 10 7
cooba 1/1 9 9
TreyLina 2/0 10 4
SpyrotheDragon2022 2/0 9 7
Superjazz 0/2 3 10

1vs1 matches

Date Level (Mode) Score Δ
27 Jul 2024 Moonlit Harbour - Sneed pick JDCE (battle) Lahm 5 — 2 sneed +5
27 Jul 2024 SERUN jdce - lahm pick (battle) Lahm 5 — 2 sneed +25
25 Jul 2024 Ascension lite [JDCE] (tiebreaker) (battle) sneed 2 — 1 Blackrose +123
25 Jul 2024 Scrapyard [JDCE] (Blackrose's pick) (ctf) sneed 2 — 5 Blackrose +54
25 Jul 2024 Solstice [JDCE] (sneed's pick) (battle) sneed 3 — 2 Blackrose +120
24 Jul 2024 gauntlet [jdce] loons pick (ctf) Looney 4 — 5 sneed +92
24 Jul 2024 Runhemir [JDCE] (sneed's pick) (battle) sneed 5 — 3 Looney +109
13 Jul 2024 Hollow of the Haunted (ctf) sneed 5 — 4 cooba +27
13 Jul 2024 Rúnheimr (battle) cooba 5 — 4 sneed -15
07 Jul 2024 Hollow of the Hunted [JDCE] (ctf) sneed 5 — 1 TreyLina +37
07 Jul 2024 Runhemir [JDCE] (battle) sneed 5 — 3 TreyLina +33
30 Jun 2024 Solstice [JDCE] (battle) sneed 4 — 3 SpyrotheDragon2022 +44
30 Jun 2024 Runhemir [JDCE] (battle) sneed 5 — 4 SpyrotheDragon2022 +50
29 Jun 2024 Scarlet Weald [JDCE] (ctf) Superjazz 5 — 1 sneed +25
29 Jun 2024 Solstice [JDCE] (battle) Superjazz 5 — 2 sneed +25

Event scores

Date Event Score
26 Jul 2024 The Event That Time Forgot 19
25 Jul 2024 One Day Tournament #3 30
28 Jul 2024 JDCE #33 250
23 Jul 2024 One Day Tournament #2½ 10
17 Jul 2024 Waking the Dead 3
10 Jul 2024 One Day Tournament #2 40
06 Jul 2024 Facture The Clag 3
26 Jun 2024 One Day Tournament #1 25