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Statistics for season 33

Rank 11
Points 684
Match points (+ bonus) -181 (+375)
Event points 490
Duels (Team matches) 6 (5)
Win streak (Team) -6 (-2)
Win/Loss (Team) 0/6 (1/4)
Roasts/Falls (Team) 25/53 (16/24)
Last seen 26 Jul 2024
Playing since 25 Nov 2022

Duel opponent tally

Opponent W/L R F
Looney 0/2 2 10
Blackrose 0/2 0 10
sneed 0/2 7 9

1vs1 matches

Date Level (Mode) Score Δ
24 Jul 2024 Midnight CTF (ctf) Looney 5 — 2 SpyrotheDragon2022 +61
24 Jul 2024 Galactic Warfare (ctf) Looney 5 — 0 SpyrotheDragon2022 +57
13 Jul 2024 Scarlet Weald [JDCE] (ctf) Blackrose 5 — 0 SpyrotheDragon2022 +11
13 Jul 2024 Moonlit Harbor [JDCE] (ctf) Blackrose 5 — 0 SpyrotheDragon2022 +9
30 Jun 2024 Solstice [JDCE] (battle) sneed 4 — 3 SpyrotheDragon2022 +6
30 Jun 2024 Runhemir [JDCE] (battle) sneed 5 — 4 SpyrotheDragon2022 0

2vs2 matches

Date Level (Mode) Score Δ
06 Jul 2024 gauntlet (ctf) Necrolyte & Zero 5 — 3 kev & SpyrotheDragon2022 -15

3vs3 matches

Date Level (Mode) Score Δ
06 Jul 2024 Gauntlet (ctf) YinYang, zolika[Pro] & KRSplat 5 — 3 mastersven, PurpleJazz & SpyrotheDragon2022 0
23 Jun 2024 Wicked Wood (ctf) Superjazz, DragoN & SpyrotheDragon2022 5 — 3 Warren, Empive & KRSplat +32
23 Jun 2024 Hollow of The Haunted (ctf) Superjazz, Blackrose & Chipsy 6 — 3 Warren, Empive & SpyrotheDragon2022 +23
23 Jun 2024 Trigelateral v4 (ctf) KRSplat, Blackrose & Empive 5 — 2 DragoN, SpyrotheDragon2022 & Superjazz +10

Event scores

Date Event Score
26 Jul 2024 The Event That Time Forgot 36
25 Jul 2024 One Day Tournament #3 20
23 Jun 2024 JDCE #33 50
20 Jul 2024 Summer Scorcher 56
23 Jul 2024 One Day Tournament #2½ 10
22 Jul 2024 Lit Rabbit Stanning 25
17 Jul 2024 Waking the Dead 22
12 Jul 2024 Stay In Target 14
11 Jul 2024 All Fall Down 14
10 Jul 2024 One Day Tournament #2 15
06 Jul 2024 Facture The Clag 40
26 Jun 2024 One Day Tournament #1 Betting 9
05 Jul 2024 Heads Will Roll 33
04 Jul 2024 Electoral Map 48
28 Jun 2024 This event is....gold! GOLD!! 24
26 Jun 2024 One Day Tournament #1 35
23 Jun 2024 Ragnarace 14
22 Jun 2024 Opening Event 25