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Violet CLM

Statistics for season 33

Rank 12
Points 1210
Match points (+ bonus) 0 (+0)
Event points 1210
Duels (Team matches) 0 (0)
Win streak (Team) +0 (+0)
Win/Loss (Team) 0/0 (0/0)
Roasts/Falls (Team) 0/0 (0/0)
Last seen 07 Sep 2024
Playing since 27 Apr 2002


No Matches played this season.

Event scores

Date Event Score
31 Aug 2024 Officials vs Competitors 100
06 Sep 2024 Winging It 31
30 Aug 2024 Grabbag.it 44
01 Sep 2024 Red Eye 30
29 Aug 2024 Better Red Than Dead 34
27 Aug 2024 Two Heads 66
22 Aug 2024 Two Flags, No Waiting 75
16 Aug 2024 Level Without a Cause 42
14 Aug 2024 Hazardous Surfaces 41
04 Aug 2024 Spontaneous AYCR 23
03 Aug 2024 Rabbits in Space 2: Electric Boogaloo 72
28 Jul 2024 Cell Service 60
26 Jul 2024 The Event That Time Forgot 72
20 Jul 2024 Summer Scorcher 64
22 Jul 2024 Lit Rabbit Stanning 38
13 Jul 2024 Melk: The Event 45
12 Jul 2024 Stay In Target 75
11 Jul 2024 All Fall Down 28
06 Jul 2024 Facture The Clag 44
05 Jul 2024 Heads Will Roll 32
04 Jul 2024 Electoral Map 60
28 Jun 2024 This event is....gold! GOLD!! 41
23 Jun 2024 Ragnarace 42
22 Jun 2024 Opening Event 51