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Statistics for season 33

Rank 23
Points 172
Match points (+ bonus) 15 (+50)
Event points 107
Duels (Team matches) 0 (2)
Win streak (Team) +0 (+1)
Win/Loss (Team) 0/0 (1/1)
Roasts/Falls (Team) 7/10 (7/10)
Last seen 26 Jul 2024
Playing since 27 Jun 2018

2vs2 matches

Date Level (Mode) Score Δ
06 Jul 2024 gauntlet (ctf) Necrolyte & Zero 5 — 3 kev & SpyrotheDragon2022 +65
23 Jun 2024 Knightmare Castle (ctf) KRSplat & Empive 7 — 2 Superjazz & Zero 0

Event scores

Date Event Score
26 Jul 2024 The Event That Time Forgot 11
23 Jul 2024 One Day Tournament #2½ 20
12 Jul 2024 Stay In Target 22
11 Jul 2024 All Fall Down 3
06 Jul 2024 Facture The Clag 2
05 Jul 2024 Heads Will Roll 16
23 Jun 2024 Ragnarace 15
22 Jun 2024 Opening Event 18


Season Award
32 (Fall 2022) Event Regular
Stop Trying