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JDCE 34 Kicks Off!

JDCE 34 Kicks Off!

JDCE 34 has now begun!

You can view the brackets and the current standings here.

The mappool and rules can be viewed here.

The vetoes and player map picks can be viewed here.

Please try to arrange your first round matches with your opponent by no later than Sunday 22nd December at 23:59 CEST. If you are unable to play your match this week, please let a member of JDC staff know. Inactive players will be forfeited if necessary to keep the tournament moving forward.

Additionally, could you please confirm what your 2 map vetoes are by commenting on this post, or by posting in the JDC Discord server, in the #JDCE channel.

Good luck to you all!


  1. Vetoes: Employee of the Month, The Astrolabe

  2. Vetoes: Employee of the Month, Wicked Wood

  3. Vetoes: Employee of the Month, Winter Melody

  4. Vetoes: mltitan, necropolis

  5. Vetoes: Urban Brawl, Starling

  6. Vetoes: ezscarlet, mlknight3ctf

  7. Vetoes: The Astrolabe, Scarlet Weald (nothing personal I just suck at the level lol)

  8. Vetoes: Employee of the Month, Necropolis

  9. vetoes: urbrawl, eotm

  10. veto - starling ww

  11. Vetoes: Necropolis, Scarlet Weald

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