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JDCE 33 begins!

JDCE 33 begins!

JDCE 33 has now begun!

You can view the brackets and the current standings here.

The mappool and rules can be viewed here.

The vetoes and player map picks can be viewed here.

Please try to arrange your first round matches with your opponent as soon as possible. If you are unable to play your match this week, please let a member of JDC staff know.

Additionally, could you please confirm what your 3 map vetoes are by commenting on this post, or by posting in the JDC Discord server, in the #JDCE channel.

Good luck to you all!


  1. Vetoes: Rúnhemir, Gauntlet, Scrapyard

  2. Vetoes: Salem, Solstice, Scarlet

  3. Vetoes: Rúnhemir, The Astrolabe, Tubolation

  4. Vetoes: Rúnhemir, Gauntlet, Scrapyard

  5. Vetoes: The Astrolabe, Hollow of the Haunted, Tubolation

  6. Vetoes: Ascension, Salem, Scrapyard

  7. Vetoes: [CTF] Scarlet, Hollow [BATTLE] Ascension

  8. Vetoes: Rúnhemir, Hollow of the Haunted, Scarlet Weald

  9. I didn't sign up for this JDCE. There might be a mistake in the tournament bracket.

  10. Sorry if my comment was too confusing.

  11. Is it too late to sign up for the tournament ?

  12. No sneed, I think you can substitute KRSplat if he doesn't want to play after all. PurpleJazz can add you to the tournament.

  13. Vetoes: [BATTLE] Twin Stalactites, Ascension lite, [CTF] Swinging Jazz

  14. vetoes: ascension, twin stalactites, salem

  15. veto : salem , tubolation , hollow

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