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Statistics for season 33

Rank 20
Points 761
Last seen 08 Sep 2024
Playing since 13 Dec 2009

1vs1 matches

Date Level (Mode) Score Δ
21 Aug 2024 PPPeak(Lahm Pick) JDCE (battle) Lahm 5 — 0 TreyLina +25
21 Aug 2024 OlcTRF(Trey pick) JDCE (ctf) Lahm 5 — 0 TreyLina +25
14 Aug 2024 Peculiar Purple Peak [JDCE] (battle) TreyLina 5 — 1 Clank[NC] +26
14 Aug 2024 The world Spear (ctf) TreyLina 5 — 1 Clank[NC] +26
13 Aug 2024 Peculiar Purple Peak [JDCE] (battle) PurpleJazz 5 — 0 TreyLina +25
13 Aug 2024 Psithurism [JDCE] (ctf) PurpleJazz 5 — 2 TreyLina +25
13 Aug 2024 Tyuka's Realm Forsaken [JDCE] (ctf) PurpleJazz 1 — 5 TreyLina +25
07 Jul 2024 Hollow of the Hunted [JDCE] (ctf) sneed 5 — 1 TreyLina +13
07 Jul 2024 Runhemir [JDCE] (battle) sneed 5 — 3 TreyLina +17
07 Jul 2024 Scarlet [JDCE] (ctf) kev 5 — 0 TreyLina +22
07 Jul 2024 Solstice [JDCE] (ctf) kev 3 — 2 TreyLina +24

Event scores

Date Event Score
06 Sep 2024 Winging It 44
25 Aug 2024 Sudden Death 12
21 Aug 2024 One Day Tournament #5 40
14 Aug 2024 Hazardous Surfaces 27
11 Aug 2024 Crime and Punishment 30
03 Aug 2024 Rabbits in Space 2: Electric Boogaloo 44
07 Aug 2024 One Day Tournament #4 25
26 Jul 2024 The Event That Time Forgot 17
25 Jul 2024 One Day Tournament #3 40
28 Jul 2024 JDCE #33 100
20 Jul 2024 Summer Scorcher 7
22 Jul 2024 Lit Rabbit Stanning 4
13 Jul 2024 Melk: The Event 2
11 Jul 2024 All Fall Down 21
10 Jul 2024 One Day Tournament #2 30
26 Jun 2024 One Day Tournament #1 Betting -37
04 Jul 2024 Electoral Map 9
26 Jun 2024 One Day Tournament #1 35
23 Jun 2024 Ragnarace 32
22 Jun 2024 Opening Event 26


Season Award
25 (Summer 2016) Dedicated Event Player
24 (Fall 2015) Dedicated Event Player
21 (Winter 2012/13) Inseparable Partners (with Seren)