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JDCE Champion + JDCE 2 starts!

JDCE Champion + JDCE 2 starts!

Congratulations to Kev, the champion of JDCE for Season 33! It was a very well deserved victory, and also well done to him for denying me my Obama medal as organiser!

If you're interested you can watch the JDCE final match from my POV here.

Due to the success of the first JDCE this season, I am happy to announce that we will be running a second JDCE tournament this season!

Sign ups are now open - to sign up, please respond to this post by saying "In". Sign ups will close on Sunday 4th August at 23:59 CEST. Mappool and other details to follow shortly

Happy duelling!

EDIT: Deadline for signups is now Sunday 11th August at 23:59 CEST.

Or until we have 16 players signed up, whichever comes first.


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  14. in again, i guess

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  17. We have 16 now! However, feel free to express your interest in being a reserve player in case anyone drops out for whatever reason.

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