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Opening Event Results

Opening Event Results

Thank you to everyone who participated in the opening event and made it such a great success! We had 28 different people play at least one round, which is the most activity we've had in a JDC event for some time now. The results have now been posted - congratulations to Jety for winning! (who's surprised?)

I could not give points to players Cpt. Mac, Mike, Tam, Vilinder and Whoajoo89 on this occasion, as they do not have active JDC accounts at the time of writing that I'm aware of. If you recognise any of these nicknames as your own, login by close of play on Friday and I'll reward you the points you've earned for playing in the event.

If you missed the event and are interested in seeing what all the fuss is about, ShakerNL has very kindly provided a full YouTube video.

I've arranged a Domination event for Thursday. This is a gamemode added by JJ2+ based on the UT gamemode of the same name, so if you've ever played that or are just itching to try out some brand new gamemodes in JJ2, I'd be sure to mark your calendar!

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