MySQL error: Unknown column 'team_quality' in 'order clause'
→ index.php:9 → index.php:41 → side-panel.php:64 → class.mysqldb.php:241 → class.mysqldb.php:219
SELECT * FROM season_scores WHERE season = '32' ORDER BY team_quality DESC
JDC • The Jazz Duelists' Challenge

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Got a lust for life

Got a lust for life

The final event of JDC 26 has just ended, and it was a major blast. Thanks to everybody who came and played a part!

I enjoyed (mostly) every round, but the final few, aka Officials vs. Competitors vs. Admins vs. Jety was definitely the highlight for me :) Please tell me what was yours!

The season will keep going for some time, probably 12 hours or less. If you're still up for duels and team games, better make use of this time!

The awards for the season will be posted within the next week.


  1. Yeah, it was fun.

  2. Indeed. The final 4 team frenzy was great.

    I liked Assassination as well.


    Recorded few moments of the gameplay.

    YouTube havent done processing it at 4k. It will probably get ready by 1-2 days.

  4. I too enjoyed the 4-team OvCvAvJ for it's originality and tense gameplay in uncommon levels.

    I didn't made it in time for the Treasure, but really enjoyed the JB & BR rounds as well.

    Thanks for hosting this event!

  5. Beating Jety and thus so eating many betting points in the pit fight event. :U

  6. stats?

    who even won the last JDCE?

  7. "The awards for the season will be posted within the next week." Nice.

  8. I like the improvements to the website c:

    i smell another season soon! and perhaps i'll finaly find out if i won the "stop trying" award lol

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