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JDC Season 28 Awards

And that's it already - season 28 has come to an end. Thanks for playing everyone! You know what happens next: it's time to hand out the awards!

JDC ChampionJety1627 points
Clan CupCivilian Defence Force50 clan points
Christmas ChampionKrzysiekChristmas Championship victory
Duel HeroJety100% duel wins (78:0)
The Real MVPP-F71% team game wins (5:2)
Life of the PartyJety650 event points
Round MasterJety4 rounds won
Bounty HunterLooney2 bounties collected
Serial KillerJety+78 win streak
Big Game HunterLooneyLargest streak broken (11)
Bravery awardThe Raptor in the Black80% avg opponent quality
Casualty SoldierJety832:61 (13.6) roast:fall
JDC SuperfanJety78 matches (duels) total
It's Not Dead YetKubus8 team games
Event RegularJety & DawidPracki001215 event showings
Loves EveryoneJety25 separate opponents
Obsessive DuellistHerobrine7 duels on 31 December
Mr. JackpotsSir Ementaler70 points won from betting
I Have A Gambling Problemcooba46 points lost from betting
Newbie CrusherKubus33% avg opponent quality
Never Give UpRedSki & Brinko ikamo-11 win streak
Stop TryingSTEFKO-CDF15 losses against Jety

Jety must surely feel comfortable at that #1 spot and it doesn't seem like she's planning to let go of it anytime soon, winning this season with an impressive 100% win rate.

Things are a little more interesting further down the rankings. Jelly Jam (nom de guerre Herobrine) did well this season and really put himself in the picture, playing over 40 duels and taking the #3, just behind Sir Ementaler, who climbs to #2 off the back of strong event performances.

Coming right after the re-release of the Jazz Jackrabbit games on GOG, this season saw some newcomers join us as well. happygreenfrog deserves a special mention, cracking the top 10 in his first attempt - we hope to see him and the other first-timers back next season!

More generally speaking this season had something of a slow start when it came to duels and team games, no doubt because unlike before its start didn't coincide with a holiday. The pace picked up a little when the Christmas holidays started though, and events were well-attended throughout the season.

For next season, we're gonna take a good look at what parts of JDC are still fun and engaging, and which parts work less well and may need some revising. But even if we can't say what next season will look like yet, stay tuned for more news - and let us know if you have any ideas for future seasons!

JDC 28 is over

The final event has ended, and thus the season has also come to an end.

Keep your ears tuned this week for:

  • event scores!
  • awards!
  • GOG code giveaways!

Last round of JDC 28

We now have entered the last week of this season. I've set up the round settings to be slightly more rewarding for the final round, so grab those points while you still can.

I've already listed the final event for next Sunday. I'm looking for gamemode and level suggestions, comment below!

I'll sum up the round challenges and set up the final challenge later today. Meanwhile, congratulations to Krzysiek for winning the Christmas Championship!

Enjoy round 4.

Spontaneous Event

Doing a spont event tonight at 21:30 GMT+1; be there!

Screenshots in duels

Are obligatory. Duels submitted with weird pictures instead of screenshots will be removed.

Round 3 is on

Another week has passed, so I've changed the round again. The settings are the same as in the previous.

I've also posted preliminary scores for the last round challenge AKA the Christmas Championship. There are still 3 duels to go (and with enough luck, they'll all be done within the year!), but I decided to already award the points to the winners and losers so far.

Krzysiek and Jelly Jam receive a small bonus on the account of being the first ones to do their match. ;-)

Meanwhile, enjoy round 3, and have a happy new year!

Jailbreak event postponed

(EDIT: A spontaneous event happened.)

Unfortunately I've had to postpone tonight's event until Friday due to a combination of factors out of my control; massive apologies for those who were eagerly looking forward to playing something tonight. The event will be worth a bit more on Friday than was originally planned to compensate for this disappointment, and there will be a GOG game up for grabs for the winner as well.

Christmas Championship Updates

It's (over) 24 hours since the signups, here's the tournament tree!

I'll be updating this through the entire week.

Who will be the Star? Good luck to You all!

The Christmas Championship begins!

Happy holidays!

It's time to kick off the round challenge for the round 2. Therefore, I gladly present to you the Christmas Championship mini-tournament!

What do I need to do?

First off, leave a comment under this newspost saying "in" to be in! Only the first 8 people to sign up get to participate, so be fast! After the signups, a standard tournament structure will be set up.

How are the duels to be done?

The duels are to be up to 5 points and will NOT be time-based. Remember to take screenshots of your duels and post them.

What is the mappool?

Just Got Carrot Away (elmsjgca)

Junkyard Blues (naivctf04)

The Melting Point (olctmp)

Light Switch (evilctf23)

Winter Melody (olctfmelody)

How are we meant to pick levels?

If you can agree on a level between you, then that’s great. However, I imagine that being harder to achieve in practice, so each player can choose one map each and submit both duels separately. You are permitted to pick the colour in your opponent’s map choice and vice-versa.


New round!

Two weeks have passed since the season begun, which means it's time to sweep the table and set up round 2!

I've adjusted the scoring a little (as you can see in the round information tab). I did it to reflect the fact that this round will be just one week long, as well to be slightly easier to catch up for people who didn't have time to take part in JDC before.

We also decided to do something special for the round challenge, details to follow soon!