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Event Information

All You Can Roast

Game mode Free For All
Objective Get more roasts than anybody else. Some games end when a player reaches a certain amount of roasts, others have time limits.
Rules Try to not complain about having your kills stolen too much.
Scoring rules Free For All
Scoring Scoring is usually done by making roasts count as 1 point each. There may be a special bonus awarded if you win a round, but this usually isn't done.
Irregularities If you time out or crash, your points will still be recorded by the playlog, and will be included in the final scores on request.


Game mode Team based
Objective Each team has a leader. The goal is for you to kill the leader of the enemy team, and to ensure that your leader does not die.
Rules The existing Assassination-specific levels are trigger-based. When playing in those, never rejoin if you are the leader. Doing so can cause the game to end, and the official running the event may declare your team to lose by default.
Scoring rules Per Team
Scoring Killing the enemy leader gets your team a point. Sometimes, as a means of encouragement, players will get a bonus point for volunteering to be a team leader.
Irregularities If a team leader leaves the server, the game has to pause, or in the worst case scenario, end.


Game mode Team based
Objective The attacking team must complete a certain amount of objectives such as hitting crates, and the defending team must prevent the attackers from doing so. Once the attackers finish, the sides switch and the game starts over. The team who can beat the level the fastest wins. Some levels have both teams attacking at once. In that case, the team to complete all objectives first wins.
Rules The rules depend on the level being played. Listen to the host.
Scoring rules Per Team
Scoring All members of the winning team get points. In rare cases, neither team will complete the level before time runs out. In this case, the team to get the farthest wins.
Irregularities Some assault levels have very complex layouts, and it is often a good idea to know the level. Occasionally triggers glitch up and wind up not working for some players. If this happens, you can rejoin. Make sure you are on the same team though!

Bank Robbery

Game mode Team based
Objective Grab coins and then go back to your base to score points with them. More coins = more points (varies by level). Most bank robbery levels have the teams switch between attack and defense mid game.
Rules Follow the same rules as any other team based event.
Scoring rules Per Team
Scoring Usually something like 50 coins gets you 1 point, and every 25 after that gets another point. So 100 would be 3 points. It really varies by level though.
Irregularities Sometimes people manage to bring the flag into the arena. Rejoin if that happens. Blue has the odd tendancy to win by a landslide every game...

Bird Arena

Game mode Team based
Objective A modification of the Free Bird mutator, based on the gamemode Clan Arena from Quake. All ammo, powerups, carrots and shields are removed from the level, but players start each round with full ammo and powerups. When you die you turn into a bird, and have to wait until the end of the round to turn back into a rabbit. Unlike in Free Bird you cannot "de-bird" your teammates.
Rules While you are a bird you are permitted to fly through the level and scout out the enemy positions and health for your teammates.
Scoring rules Per Team
Scoring Turn every player on the enemy team into birds by roasting them to score a point for your team.
Irregularities Flag Run is safer because it works in CTF maps, but DOM allows yellow and green.

Capture the Flag

Game mode Team based
Objective Capture the flag. Whichever team hits the score limit wins. Some capture the flag levels include special features such as jails or classes. In these levels, normal ctf gameplay still applies.
Rules Follow the same rules as any other team based event.
Scoring rules Per Team
Scoring Every player on the team gets 1 point per capture. Players who join mid game might not get points.
Irregularities Those who join in the middle of the current game sometimes will only receive partial points; usually the points that the team scored after joining.

Death Capture the Flag

Game mode Team based
Objective Reach the score limit before the enemy team by killing the opposite team's players and by capturing their flag.
Rules Follow the same rules as any other team based event.
Scoring rules Per Team
Scoring Each roast is worth one point. Each flag capture roasts the entire opponent team, making it worth one point + (number of opponent players).
Irregularities Similar irregularities to Capture the Flag.


Game mode Team based
Objective Each level has one or more control points spread throughout it. Touch a control point to capture it for your team. The goal is to have your team control as many points as possible, and deny them from the enemy team.
Rules Same as other team-based events.
Scoring rules Per Team
Scoring Every few seconds each team will receive a number of points based on how many points they control. Whoever reaches the score limit first wins.
Irregularities Score limits are generally quite high (above 100) in these events. As of JJ2+ version 5.0, Domination may be played with up to four teams.

Double Domination

Game mode Team based
Objective Each level has one or more (but normally two) control points spread throughout it. As with Domination, touch a control point to capture it for your team.
Rules Same as other team-based events.
Scoring rules Per Team
Scoring Unlike in Domination, scoring occurs when one team manages to consistently hold more than 50% of the available control points for 10 seconds, or all of them if less than three are present; after which the dominant team scores one point.
Irregularities JJ2+ version 5.0 or newer is required to play this gamemode. If you leave mid-way through a round or join late, you'll only receive partial points; usually depending on how many points your team scored while you were in the server. This gamemode may be played with up to four teams, although it is typically played with only two.

Duel Club

Game mode n/a
Objective tbc
Rules tbc
Scoring rules Free For All
Scoring tbc
Irregularities tbc

Extended Last Rabbit Standing

Game mode Free For All
Objective Like LRS, you want to be the last person in the arena. If roasted, you lose a life. If you lose all of your lives you are out. You actual score, however, is based off of your roast count.
Rules Do not attack anyone before play begins.
Scoring rules Free For All
Scoring One point for every roast. If you are first, second or third to last in you get your roast score multiplied by 1.5, 1.25, or 1.125 respectively. This means that the gameplay is very different from normal LRS.
Irregularities If you time out, you lose points you had from that round. If you join a game that is already in progress, you will automatically be out.

Flag Run

Game mode Team based
Objective There is one "flag" which both teams can capture, usually located somewhere in the middle of the level. The flag holder must return the flag to the opponent's base before time runs out or else the flag holder will self-destruct and lose the flag. The flag holder's team has 45 seconds to score on flag captures, and 30 seconds to score on flag steals. A flag can be stolen by roasting the flag holder when he/she has 15 seconds or less to score.
Rules Follow the same rules as any other team based event.
Scoring rules Per Team
45-31 seconds left: 3 points + extra points
30-16 seconds left: 2 points + extra points
15-0 seconds left: 1 point + extra points

On flag captures, extra points start at 0. On flag passes and flag steals, extra points get set to 1. Each roast by the flag holder adds 1 extra point. Extra points can be 3 at the most.
Irregularities Similar irregularities to Capture the Flag.

Free Bird

Game mode Team based
Objective Variant on Jailbreak. When you get roasted, you turn into a bird and are unable to attack. A non-bird teammate must stay next to you for five seconds to debird you. If your team is the only team with one or more rabbit players, your team scores a point and all players are reset.
Rules If you deliberately go out of your way to avoid being freed by your teammates you may be penalised.
Scoring rules Per Team
Scoring Once an entire team is "birded" the team that still has rabbits remaining gets a point.
Irregularities Flag Run is safer because it works in CTF maps, but DOM allows yellow and green.


Game mode Free For All
Objective Knock the other player(s) off of a platform with pushing and weapons.
Rules Nothing special applies, though some levels may have unique rules.
Scoring rules Gladiator
Scoring The top three players get points.
Irregularities If you leave midgame you lose.

Gold Rush

Game mode Free For All
Objective Collect the required amount of coins and reach the coin warp before anyone else to win.
Rules Do not break into the control room.
Scoring rules Free For All
Scoring The first 5 people to make it into the warp will get 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point respectively. After that, the game is over.
Irregularities Make sure what place you come in because the level sometimes doesn't record it. If the game drags on for a while, the host may set a time limit after a few people have won.

Ground Force

Game mode I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Survivor, is in fact, Ground Force, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GF. Survivor is not a game mode unto itself, but rather another free level pack for a fully functioning game mod
Objective Be the last person to survive in a level by shooting the ground and knocking the other players off into the pit. Some levels have control rooms, which allow the "controller" to make special attacks on the arena such as crate drops.
Rules You must play as spaz. In standard ground force, only the host should go in the crate room. In control room ground force, the person controlling usually depends on who won the previous game.
Scoring rules Free For All
Scoring The last three people receive points. First gets 3, second gets 2, third gets 1. When playing control room ground force, the controller cannot get points.
Irregularities If you leave or rejoin, you forfeit the current match. When only a few players are left in the arena and are in a standoff, the host may decide to make the game a draw.

Hall of Shame

Game mode N/A
Objective Where bad rabbits go.
Rules Follow the rules or else.
Scoring rules Custom
Scoring The amount of points lost will depend on the nature of the offense.
Irregularities Ending up here multiple times may result in a ban.

Hardcore Last Rabbit Standing

Game mode Free For All
Objective Similarly to regular Last Rabbit Standing, be the last person in the arena. However, the difference is that you have only one life, and can heal yourself only by killing someone else.
Rules Using the camping tactic* in excess may meet with punishment.
Scoring rules Free For All
Scoring The last 5 people to stay alive receive points.
Irregularities Most of the time the server will take measures to keep the gameplay balanced, such as disabling powerups, or setting the maximum health to a higher amount.

* - homage to White Rabbit

Head Hunters

Game mode Team based
Objective Head Hunters may be played in any standard CTF level. Flags remain at bases, so players must instead collect gems and bring them back to their teams' bases. Whenever a player is roasted, they will drop all the gems they were carrying plus one additional gem.
Rules Follow the same rules as any other team based event.
Scoring rules Per Team
Scoring The number of points scored for bringing one or more gems back to your team's base is the nth triangular number for that number of gems. Bringing back one gem scores 1 point; two gems, 3 points; three gems, 6 points; and so on.
Irregularities If you die from a self-inflicted pit death in Head Hunters, and you are carrying at least one gem, your team will lose a point.


Game mode Free For All
Objective Similar to AYCR, but there are no carrots and every hit kills.
Rules Nothing special applies.
Scoring rules Free For All
Scoring Same as AYCR (or another underlying game mode; see irregularities).
Irregularities AYCR may be substituted with any other health-based game mode, including team-based modes such as Team Battle. In team-based modes, team-based scoring rules apply.


Game mode Team based
Objective Send all members of the enemy team to jail. If you die, you go the the enemy team's jail where you must be freed by a team member. Ice is required to free people.
Rules Don't free the enemy team.
Scoring rules Per Team
Scoring Once an entire team is captured the team that is free gets a point.
Irregularities If both teams are in jail, neither scores a point.


Game mode CTF/Battle
Objective Play tournament matches.
Rules To be specified each season. Please read and follow them carefully.
Scoring rules Free For All
Scoring Your points are determined by how well you did in the tournament.
Irregularities N/A

Last Rabbit Standing

Game mode Free For All
Objective Be the last person in the arena. If roasted, you lose a life. If you lose all of your lives you are out.
Rules Don't camp too much. If you do, the host might declare you to have lost.
Scoring rules Free For All
Scoring Last in gets 3 points, second to last 2 points, third to last 1 point.
Irregularities If you time out or rejoin, you lose. You are also out if you join late.


Game mode n/a
Objective These events will consist of multiple gametypes being hosted.
Rules n/a
Scoring rules Custom
Scoring n/a
Irregularities n/a

One Day Tournament

Game mode n/a
Objective Defeat your opponent(s) in a secluded arena, or a specifically chosen level. Matches are arranged within a typical tournament structure. The tournament can take place in a variety of gamemodes.
Rules Play fair.
Scoring rules Custom
Scoring X amount of points are given to a win. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners may receive additional points.
Irregularities Players who leave or rejoin midgame forfeit their match.


Game mode Free For All
Objective Everybody starts off as human. The first person to die is transformed into a zombie. From that point on, anybody who is killed by a zombie becomes a zombie as well. The goal is to try to remain human for as long as possible.
Rules Same rules as in other events.
Scoring rules Free For All
Scoring Human players get multiple points for killing zombies. Zombies get one point for each human killed. The last human to die, and the zombie to kill him/her are awarded extra points.
Irregularities In the first game, the first person to die becomes a zombie. After that, all human players are unable to harm each other. In the next game, the last human who was alive becomes the first zombie. Suicides always result in zombification.

Pit Fight

Game mode Free For All
Objective Gamble points based on who you think will win in a 1vs1 duel. Try not to lose too many points!
Rules To set up the matches, players will be chosen semi-randomly from the player list. Everybody in the server should play at least one match. Also, you may not bet on your own fight. The host might give bonus points to players who win matches.
Scoring rules Free For All
Scoring Before the fight begins, pick who you think will win and bet a number of points. If you pick correctly, you will increase your points! But if you pick wrong, you will lose the points you bet. It is possible to get negative points in this event! Most fights will be simple 1:1 odds, meaning that if you bet 5 points, you can win 5 points. For fights where there is only a small chance of one of the players winning, the odds might be set differently.
Irregularities There is always the chance that someone will bet a ridiculous amount of points. Because of that, extreme bets will be refused by the host. The maximum amount you can bet per fight will normally be announced by the host at the beginning of an event.


Game mode Free For All
Objective Complete all laps as fast as possible.
Rules Shooting players to slow them down is allowed.
Scoring rules Free For All
Scoring Points are sometimes awarded based on the number of people in the server at the start of the race and placement. First to finish receives as many points as people in the server. Second place receives one less and so on. In some cases, only the top 3 players receive serious points, with everyone else who finishes getting 1 or occasionally 0.
Irregularities If you rejoin midgame, you must start the level from the beginning. If you do not finish the level you receive no points.

Roast Tag

Game mode Free For All
Objective First person to get a kill becomes "it". The person who is "it" must then try to kill as many people as possible. If anyone kills the person who is "it", they then become "it". If the person who is "it" does not make a kill in a certain amount of time, then they automatically die and the next person to make a kill gets to be "it".
Rules Be nice.
Scoring rules Free For All
Scoring Killing the person who is "it" is worth five points. When you are "it", the first kill you make is worth one, the second worth two, the third worth three, and so on. The lowest ranked player may also score points for killing, being designated the "bottom feeder". For every roast the bottom feeder makes, they get one point. All other kills are worth nothing.
Irregularities N/A

Round Challenge

Objective Complete the challenge listed in the sidebar for the round.
Rules Depends; see sidebar!
Scoring rules Custom
Scoring Everyone who completes the challenge generally receives the same amount of points. Depending on the challenge and how close you got to completing it, you may receive a lower amount of points for the effort.
Irregularities N/A

Street Fight

Game mode Free For All
Objective Battle, usually in a small arena, without using guns. You are only able to buttstomp, kick or uppercut. Street Fight is typically played in LRS but is also occasionally played in AYCR.
Rules If you find an area you can shoot (due to some bug or whatever), do not shoot. However, do note that some Street Fight levels offer limited opportunities to use weapons legitimately. Do not attempt to get stuck in the ceiling deliberately by enabling quirks.
Scoring rules Free For All
Scoring The scoring mimics the base game mode.
Irregularities Same as the base game mode.

Team Battle

Game mode Team based
Objective Similar to AYCR, except players work together in teams to get as many combined roasts as possible.
Rules Players are randomly allocated into teams at the start of each round. Note that attempting to sabotage your team's score by deliberately falling in pits over and over will result in punishment.
Scoring rules Per Team
Scoring Your team scores one point every time someone on your team roasts a player from another team. Likewise, your team loses one point if a player from your team falls in a pit.
Irregularities If you join or leave a round mid-game you will only receive partial points; usually the amount that your team scored while you were present. As of JJ2+ version 5.0, Team Battle may be played with up to four teams.

Team Last Rabbit Standing

Game mode Team based
Objective Teams have a set number of lives which are divided among the players of a team. No player cannot receive more points than Max Lives. If there are lives left over, they go into a team's reserves. When players lose all their lives, and their team has reserves, the remaining reserves are divided among all players of the same team who are out.
Rules Excessive camping may result in punishment.
Scoring rules Per Team
Scoring A team wins when they are the only team with lives still remaining. If the time limit runs out before this occurs, the team with the most remaining lives is declared the winner.
Irregularities If you time out or rejoin, you lose. You are also out if you join late. As of JJ2+ version 5.0, TLRS may be played with up to four teams.

Titan Capture the Flag

Game mode Team based
Objective A regular game of Capture the Flag is played. When it ends, the top players ("titans") of each team duel eachother, and the rest of the players are allowed to gamble their points on who will win the duel.
Rules Follow the same rules as any other team based event. If a titan leaves the game during a duel, the opposing titan is presumed to win the duel.
Scoring rules Custom
Scoring Per Team + betting
Irregularities Capture the Flag may be substituted with any team based gamemode. The gamemode and rules of each duel are at the discretion of the event host.

To be announced

Game mode n/a
Objective The gametype of this event has yet to be decided by the organisers.
Rules n/a
Scoring rules Custom
Scoring n/a
Irregularities n/a


Game mode Free For All
Objective Get the specified number of gems and find the exit.
Rules Don't quit the game and leave your gems to help other players.
Scoring rules Free For All
Scoring Interpretations of scoring may vary between officials or administrators hosting the event.
Irregularities N/A