MySQL error: Unknown column 'team_quality' in 'order clause'
→ index.php:9 → index.php:41 → side-panel.php:64 → class.mysqldb.php:241 → class.mysqldb.php:219
SELECT * FROM season_scores WHERE season = '32' ORDER BY team_quality DESC
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JDC 29 Awards

JDC 29 Awards

And what a JDC this has been, with A7med snagging the title off Jety, who has comfortably won JDC for three consecutive seasons. Will A7med be able to hold his title as long as Jety? But without further ado, we present to you the awards for JDC season 29!

JDC ChampionA7med4151 points
Clan Cup[GpW]84 points
Duel HeroJety100% duel wins (143:0)
Top SeedJety2 ODT wins
The Real MVPHyperion82% team game wins (14:3)
Life of the PartyJety1550 event points
Round MasterA7med4 rounds won
Bravery AwardSaiko Tirano90% average opponent quality
Casualty SoldierJety1628:170 (9.577) roast:fall
JDC SuperfanA7med319 total matches played
Event RegularA7med & Jety18 event showings
Loves EveryoneA7med32 unique opponents
Obsessive DuellistJety14 duels in one day (on both 23rd July & 24th July)
Inseparable PartnersA7med & Blista17 team matches together
Mr. JackpotsKyro75 points won from betting
Fastest Rabbit AliveSuperjazz6 race rounds won
CommentatorLooney485 characters per comment on average
Beta-TesterJety4 bugs identified
Newbie CrusherJety18% average opponent quality
I Have A Gambling ProblemAnna38 points lost from betting
Stop TryingEmpive59 losses against Jety

It is important to note that JDC 30 is definitely going to see a significant overhaul with major changes to how scoring will work. In the mean-time, we would appreciate it if you could leave some feedback (if any) on this newspost!

I would like to take this opportunity to add that we thank everyone who participated and also to those who helped organise this season, making it one of the best seasons in recent years.


  1. From batata to all ppl here jety told me to say sorry here idk why... The issue is dead ik and its silly to say sorry but i helped a player to win the jdc i played like 5 matches to give him score but pj noticed that and he deleted them so i am not a reason of his win for sure . Its silly issue but boring and sorry again :p

  2. I hope that before playing JDC, people could consider taking more serious actions to prevent sexual slavery and exploitation of youth in JJ2.

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